The North Hempstead Housing Authority (NHHA) provides comfortable and affordable housing in a safe and secure living environment for low and moderate income residents. Both Magnolia Gardens in Westbury, NY and Manhasset Valley in Manhasset, NY are affordable housing options that promote community and stability. Our senior complexes have been significantly upgraded over the last 6 years and the NHHA continues to improve upon the beauty and quality our complexes.
The North Hempstead Housing Authority not only manages these 2 senior properties consisting of 186 apartments and a 6 family garden apartment complex in Roslyn, but also manages a Section 8 Program, which provides 191 families with rental subsidies as well as administering a Family Self-Sufficiency Program. The North Hempstead Housing Authority owns and oversees 4 affordable housing complexes, Pond View Homes, Harbor Homes, Laurel Homes, and Spinney Hill Homes consisting of 292 family units and we are currently developing more affordable housing for the community we serve by way of the Grand Street Apartment in Westbury (77 apartments) slated to be affordable senior housing.
Effective November 2016, our 2 senior housing properties, which were public housing, converted to Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD). RAD is similar in public housing in the following ways: the income criteria is similar and tenant’s rent contribution is still 30% of their gross income.
As of 2017 Public Housing is now the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD). Please be aware that the application is for the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD) Wait-list is an application for an apartment at Magnolia Gardens or Manhasset Valley. Due to the ever-changing nature of the wait-list, we are unable to provide a definitive time frame for how long any particular applicant might be on the list before being offered an apartment. Each applicant is ranked based on a series of preference points such as: the submission date of the application, local residency, homelessness, veteran status, and building preference. All inquiries regarding applications and applicant status must be done so via mail. Any changes to the application such as address or contact information are the responsibility of the applicant and must be made in writing or online at northhempstead.housingmanager.com/application/lookup
Currently, the North Hempstead Housing Authority is not accepting applications for the RAD program.
What is different: after living in RAD property for one year, residents can relocate! Annually, a certain portion of residents can apply for a RAD or PBV voucher which could be utilized anywhere voucher programs are accepted.
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Table of Content.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Overview.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Fair Housing.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Eligibility.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Applications.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Briefings.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Income.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Verification.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Housing Quality Standards.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Leasing.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Moving.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Reexaminations.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Termination.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Owners.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Program Integrity.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Briefings.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Program Administration.pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Project-Based Vouchers (PBV).pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) (RAD).pdf
NHHA 2023 Administration Plan - Special Purpose Vouchers.pdf
NHHA March 2023 Admin Plan - All updates.pdf
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